WFDD Love Month is here with Love Mug Stops in Winston-Salem, High Point, Greensboro, and Boone!
February is Love Month, and we want you to stay cozy with our newly hand thrown pottery Love Mugs designed by local artist Pam Taylor. That's right! She's back with new mugs this year and they are gorgeous!
OMG, that's awesome! How do I get my very own Love Mug?
1. Make your gift now online, or make your gift in-person at one of our Love Mug Stops.
The Love Mug you've always dreamed of can be yours with a new Sustainer gift of $15/month, one-time gift of $180, or by upgrading your current Sustainer gift by $5 or more per month.
2. Pick up your mug at our Love Mug Stop in Winston-Salem, High Point, Boone, or Greensboro.
3. Once you select your mug at one of our Love Mug Stops, you can enjoy a cup of drip coffee or regular hot tea, thanks to our partners at Krankies, Espresso News, Chandlers or DeBeen
Make Your Gift Now to Receive a Love Mug!
Increase your Sustaining gift by $5 or more and receive a Love Mug!

P.S Can't make it to one of our Love Mug stops?
No worries at all! You can still get your Love Mug—while they last—with your one time gift of $180 or make a new Sustainer gift of $15/month or upgrade your current sustainer gift by $5/month or more. If you're unable to pick up your Love Mug in-person, send Julien an email: and she'll have it shipped to you!
Love Mug Stops
Krankies Coffee - Winston-Salem
2/6 | 9:00 – 11:00am
Chandlers - Greensboro
2/13 | 9:00 – 11:00am
DeBeen - High Point
2/14 | 9:00 – 11:00am
Espresso News - Boone
2/27 | 10:00am – 12:00pm