Vote for our Spring 2023 T-Shirt Design

In March, we asked our listeners to get creative and help us design our spring t-shirt. We had so many amazing submissions from our talented and thoughtful community members; so, we had our community pick their favorite. Thank you to everyone who took part in designing a t-shirt or voting for their favorite!

Congratulations to our winner, Evelyn Cook!


Please note that this is not the finalized t-shirt design. WFDD reserves the right to modify artwork to ensure a high-quality and clean t-shirt that accurately represents the WFDD brand.


microphone with people circling around it

WFDD empowers us with information about our changing world, enabling us to make informed decisions, because when you're informed, you're more accepting of others. I wanted this design to showcase that by making the radio microphone the heart of the community. Using a mix of typography, I've highlighted a few of the informative, educational and entertaining programming that they provide. The colorful circle of people uniting around the microphone represents the diverse population of the listening area.

Evelyn Cook