Eliza Coupe plays a corporate attorney turned public defender on the USA series Benched. When host Ophira Eisenberg asked her how much she's picked up about the law by playing a lawyer on TV, Coupe replied, "about as much as I did playing a doctor [on Scrubs]. I'm a surgeon now, AND I'll represent you in a court of law."
One thing we learned that Eliza Coupe does have in common with her Benched character Nina and Jane from Happy Endings: she's got a bit of a competitive side. So the stakes were high in this Ask Me Another Challenge all about the phrases often heard in on-screen courtroom scenes. And just for some suspense, we paired her with a real life corporate lawyer turned federal defender — can she get her partner to guess the phrases? Listen, if it pleases the court.
Please welcome back our very important puzzler, Eliza Coupe.
ELIZA COUPE: Hi again.
EISENBERG: Eliza, the character you play on "Benched" - she has a public service breakdown, so she has some anger issues.
COUPE: A little bit.
EISENBERG: She's a corporate lawyer that is now a public defender...
EISENBERG: ...And she's very competitive.
EISENBERG: Are either of those things like Eliza Coupe?
COUPE: OK. All right, my family - no, I'm just - whatever - whoever wants to win, that's fine. Just know that I did it better anyway, so yeah.
EISENBERG: All right, slightly competitive.
COUPE: Yeah, very, very, very much so. But I also know when to let other people win - nah, I don't.
EISENBERG: No you don't.
COUPE: All right, no I don't. No.
EISENBERG: Have you ever been in trouble with the law?
COUPE: No, I actually haven't.
COUPE: Yeah. Yeah.
EISENBERG: I'm impressed.
COUPE: It's a weird thing.
EISENBERG: Parking ticket?
COUPE: Oh, a ton of those.
COUPE: A ton of those - speeding tickets, yes, yes, yes.
EISENBERG: Yeah, OK, so you were like - you were like real things?
COUPE: Yeah, have a gotten a lot of car accidents? Maybe. Maybe.
EISENBERG: How much of the law have you picked up from playing an attorney on TV?
COUPE: About as much as I did playing a doctor.
EISENBERG: OK good, so a lot.
COUPE: Yeah, so much.
EISENBERG: We're going to need that for this game...
COUPE: I'm a surgeon now, so - and I'll represent you in a court of law.
EISENBERG: Well, with that in mind, please welcome your teammate for your game, David Patton.
COUPE: Hello - hi, nice to meet you.
EISENBERG: Now, much like your character on "Benched," David is a former corporate attorney.
EISENBERG: But he's now the executive director of the Federal Defenders of New York, which - yeah.
EISENBERG: It sounds like superheroes, by the way. Really it does. What do federal defenders do?
DAVID PATTON: Federal defenders are lawyers who represent people accused of federal crimes who can't afford a lawyer.
COUPE: That's pretty great.
EISENBERG: I felt guilty when you said that to me.
PATTON: You should.
EISENBERG: I should? Wow.
PATTON: Enjoy your cush life.
EISENBERG: I'm glad you don't have any self-esteem issues.
EISENBERG: So Eliza and David, you're going to be working together. Eliza is going to try to make you guess a list of phrases that you often hear in courtroom scenes in the movies and television. And Dave, you have to guess what the phrases are without - and Eliza cannot use any of the obvious words.
COUPE: (Groans).
EISENBERG: If you use some of the obvious words, you'll hear this.
EISENBERG: All right, so for example, if the phrase was order in the court, you can't say the words order or court. OK?
COUPE: This is going to go great.
EISENBERG: Yeah, it's going to be awesome.
COUPE: This is going to go great.
EISENBERG: Dave, are you ready, psyched?
PATTON: As I'll ever be, yes.
EISENBERG: OK, you have two minutes on the clock...
EISENBERG: ...Starting now.
COUPE: So - up we go.
PATTON: All rise.
COUPE: Yeah.
COUPE: Would it be OK if I came to talk to you?
PATTON: May it please the court?
COUPE: Oh no, that's really good...
PATTON: May I approach?
COUPE: The...
PATTON: Bench.
COUPE: (Laughter) Someone has their hand raised and it's the number one person in the lineup that has their hand raised.
PATTON: (Laughter) The number one person in the lineup...
COUPE: Or it's the - oh, I just saw something, and I'm the - I got on the scene at the - right at the start of it. And I'm the only one here. There are other people behind me and I'm raising my hand. This is getting way for me.
EISENBERG: You could skip if you want.
PATTON: This is obviously my fault.
COUPE: David.
PATTON: Yeah, I know.
COUPE: It's OK. OK, we're going to skip it. We're going to go back to it, but we're going to skip it. We're going to skip it.
PATTON: And glad we're supposed to be on the same team. I can see the competitive streak coming out.
COUPE: We're doing great. No, no, no, we're doing great. I am so cool with this. We are doing great. Want to skip the next one? I'm cool. I said a bad thing and I'm not allowed to say it.
PATTON: Objection.
COUPE: Oh, I've got all of these things and I'm tired. I'm going to...
PATTON: Briefcases?
COUPE: Oh, that would've been good for that, but - I need a nap and so I'm going to go...
COUPE: On a - right, on my...
COUPE: Case.
COUPE: All of you 12 people.
PATTON: Jurors.
COUPE: (Unintelligible).
PATTON: Pirate jurors?
COUPE: OK, have all of you 12 people come up with the final...
PATTON: Verdict.
COUPE: Yeah, but have you - oh, I've got to get to the top shelf of the thing. And I've got to...
PATTON: Reached a verdict.
COUPE: Yeah.
COUPE: That's it. David, you're on fire buddy.
EISENBERG: That was time.
PATTON: We were just getting rolling.
EISENBERG: Yeah, I know. I know...
COUPE: So many more. I'll stick around later if anyone wants to - just so I can finish these for myself.
PATTON: Wait, wait, do I get to learn the one that I missed?
EISENBERG: Oh yeah, you want to tell him?
COUPE: Call your first witness.
PATTON: Really? Everyone here knew that?
COUPE: They're first in line.
EISENBERG: David, you won.
PATTON: Thank you.
EISENBERG: Eliza, you kind of also won.
COUPE: Well...
EISENBERG: You guys won. You did it. And we are giving you ASK ME ANOTHER limited edition anagram T-shirts.
COUPE: Oh...
EISENBERG: I know, tried to sell them on eBay...
COUPE: Big day.
EISENBERG: ...There are too many of them. Let's hear it once again for our VIP, Eliza Coupe.
COUPE: Thank you.
JONATHAN COULTON: (Singing) Breaking rocks in the hot sun, I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I needed money because I had none. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I left my baby and it feels so bad, I guess my race is run. She's the best girl that I ever had and I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. Robbing people with a six gun, I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I lost my girl and I lost my fun. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I left my baby and it feels so bad, I guess my race is run. She's the best girl that I ever had. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won.
(APPLAUSE) Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
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