At the U.S. Supreme Court, you know that it's going to be a hot argument when the usually straight-faced Justice Samuel Alito begins a question this way: "Let's say four people show up for a job interview ... this is going to sound like a joke, but it's not."

The issue before the court on Wednesday was whether retailer Abercrombie & Fitch violated the federal law banning religious discrimination when it rejected a highly rated job applicant because she wore a Muslim headscarf.

Alito's hypothetical continued this way: The first of the four applicants to show up at Abercrombie is a Sikh man wearing a turban; the second is a Hasidic man wearing a hat; the third is a Muslim woman wearing a hijab; the fourth is a Catholic nun in a habit. Now, Alito asked Abercrombie's lawyer: "Do you think that those people have to say, we just want to tell you, we're dressed this way for a religious reason? We're not just trying to make a fashion statement." Or, might we reasonably conclude that Abercrombie knows why they are dressed that way?

Not surprisingly, Abercrombie's lawyer fudged his answer.

The case before the court arose when Samantha Elauf, then 17, applied for a job at an Abercrombie Kids store in Tulsa, Okla. She was interviewed by an assistant manager, given a high score and recommended for hiring. But the assistant manager alerted her superiors to the fact that Elauf wore a headscarf, telling them that she assumed the scarf was worn for religious reasons. Ultimately, the hiring recommendation went to a regional manager, who ordered Elauf's score downgraded because of the headscarf, and she wasn't offered a job.

Abercrombie defends its action, citing its so-called Look Policy, which bans caps and black clothing. Elauf's dress for the interview — a T-shirt and jeans — fit well with that policy, which is described as "classic East Coast collegiate style of clothing." But her headscarf did not fit at all. The policy does not allow caps, terming them "too informal for the image we project."

Abercrombie maintains that if Elauf wanted a religious exception allowing her to wear her headscarf, it was up to her to make the case at the time of her interview. Elauf responds that she didn't even know about the Look Policy, and that deliberately downgrading an otherwise highly rated applicant because of a religious practice violates the federal law banning religious discrimination in employment.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission agreed with Elauf. And on Wednesday, Deputy Solicitor General Ian Gershengorn told the Supreme Court that when an employer has reason to believe that an applicant will need a religious accommodation, that's enough to put the employer on notice and to trigger a conversation about whether a religious accommodation would be possible.

"I think that may promote stereotypes to a far greater degree," interjected Chief Justice John Roberts. "Let's say you have someone of Middle Eastern appearance who shows up for the interview with a beard." The employer doesn't like beards, but it would be inviting litigation to ask whether the beard is religious.

The government's Gershengorn replied that the New York Yankees have a policy against facial hair, but that doesn't prevent them from pursuing free agents who wear beards; they assume that those free agents can shave once they get to the Yankees.

"You could avoid these hard questions," insisted Justice Antonin Scalia, if you adopt the rule that, as an applicant, "the burden is on you to say, I'm wearing the headscarf for a religious reason."

Several justices suggested that the easy way to deal with the problem is for the interviewer to say something like, "We have a no-beards policy, or a no-headscarf policy; would you have a problem with that?"

The government's Gershengorn said that is exactly the kind of question that would begin a conversation about religious accommodation, and it is what Congress intended in the first place by passing this law.

Abercrombie's lawyer, Shay Dvoretzky, however, maintained that the burden is on the applicant, prompting Justice Alito's four-people-walk-into-an-interview hypothetical.

Justice Elena Kagan followed with her own hypothetical.

"Suppose an employer just doesn't want to hire any Jews, and somebody walks in and his name is Noah Goldberg, and he looks kind of Jewish and the employer doesn't know he's Jewish ... and certainly Mr. Goldberg doesn't say anything about being Jewish, but the employer just operates on the assumption that he's Jewish," and so Goldberg doesn't get the job.

"That has got to be against the law, right?" Kagan asked, as the audience in the courtroom began to laugh.

Lawyer Dvoretzky contended Abercrombie's situation is different because there was no intent to discriminate; there was just a neutral no-caps policy that applies to a baseball cap or a headscarf.

"Or a yarmulke," interjected Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.The problem with that argument, she said, is that the federal law "doesn't require accommodating baseball caps, but it does require accommodating religious practices."

Chief Justice Roberts echoed that sentiment, telling Dvoretzky that his argument "doesn't work in a case like this. It's not a question, are you treating everybody the same. You have an obligation to accommodate people with particular religious practice or beliefs. "

Added Justice Kagan, "If you are, in fact, wearing a headscarf for religious reasons," then Abercrombie's "neutral policy [against caps] really doesn't matter."

If Elauf prevails in this case, Kagan observed, the result would be what some might think of as an "awkward conversation" about why she wears a headscarf and whether she would seek a religious accommodation.

But the alternative, Kagan noted, "is a rule where Abercrombie just gets to say, we're going to stereotype people and prevent them from getting jobs."

"Now, between those two options," she asked, which one "is the worse problem?"

As the arguments came to a close, there didn't seem to be much doubt about which option the court will pick.

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Faith and fashion clashed at the U.S. Supreme Court today. It's a case of enormous importance to job applicants and employers. On one side, clothing company Abercrombie and Fitch, and on the other, a teenage job applicant who was rejected because she wore a headscarf. NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg reports.

NINA TOTENBERG, BYLINE: You know that it's going to be a hot argument at the Supreme Court when the usually straight-faced justice Samuel Alito begins a question this way - let's say four people show up for a job interview at Abercrombie - this is going to sound like a joke, but it's not - the first is a Sikh man wearing a turban, the second is a Hasidic man wearing a hat, the third, a Muslim woman wearing a hijab and the fourth, a Catholic nun in a habit. Now do you think that these people have to say, we just want to tell you we're dressed this way for a religious reason - we're not just trying to make a fashion statement?

Not surprisingly, Abercrombie's lawyer fudged his answer. There were no nuns or Sikhs in the case before the court, just Samantha Elauf who was 17 when she applied for a job at an Abercrombie store in Tulsa, Okla. She was interviewed by an assistant manager, given a high score and recommended for hiring. But the assistant manager alerted her superiors to the fact that Elauf wore a headscarf, presumably for religious reasons. Ultimately, the hiring recommendation went to a regional manager who ordered Elauf's score downgraded because of the headscarf, and her application was rejected.

Abercrombie defends its action citing its so-called look policy, which bans caps and black clothing. Elauf's dress for the interview, a T-shirt and jeans, fit in well with that policy, which is described as, quote, "classic east coast collegiate-style clothing," but her headscarf did not. The look policy does not allow caps, terming them, quote, "too informal for the image we project." Abercrombie maintains that if Elauf wanted a religious exception to allow her to wear her headscarf, it was up to her to make the case at the time of her interview. Elauf responds that she didn't even know about the look policy and that deliberately downgrading an otherwise highly-rated applicant because of her religious practice violates the federal law banning religious discrimination in employment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission agreed with her.

Today, representing the agency, Deputy Solicitor General Ian Gershengorn argued that when an employer has reason to believe that an applicant will need a religious accommodation, that's enough to put the employer on notice and to trigger a conversation about whether a religious accommodation would be a hardship for the employer.

Chief Justice Roberts - wouldn't that promote stereotypes to a far greater degree? Let's say an applicant shows up with a beard and Abercrombie has a no-beards policy. You think an interviewer should ask whether there's a religious reason for the beard?

No, said Gershengorn - the New York Yankees, for instance, have a policy against facial hair, but that doesn't prevent them from pursuing free-agents who wear beards.

Justice Scalia was Abercrombie's only hardcore supporter, contending that the way to avoid these difficult questions is to say the burden is on applicants to say, I'm wearing this headscarf for religious reasons.

Several justices suggested that the easy way to deal with the problem is for the interviewer to instead say something like, we have a no-beards policy or a no-headscarfs policy. Would you have a problem with that?

The government's Gershengorn said that's exactly the kind of question that would begin a conversation about religious accommodation, and it's what Congress intended in passing this law. Abercrombie's lawyer, Shay Dvoretzky, however, insisted that the burden is on the applicant, prompting Justice Alito's four-people-walk-in-to-an-interview hypothetical.

Justice Kagan - suppose an employer doesn't want to hire any Jews, and somebody walks in and his name is Noah Goldberg, and he looks kind of Jewish, and the employer doesn't know with certainty he's Jewish, and certainly Mr. Goldberg doesn't say anything about being Jewish, but the employer just assumes that he is so he doesn't hire him. That's got to be against the law, right?

Lawyer Dvoretzky contended that Abercrombie's situation is different because there was no intent to discriminate. There was just a neutral no-caps policy that applies to a baseball cap or a headscarf - or a yamaka, interjected Justice Ginsburg. The problem, she said, is that the federal law makes refusal to make a religious accommodation itself a violation.

Justice Kagan - if you're wearing a headscarf for religious reasons, Abercrombie's neutral policy really doesn't matter. If Ms. Elauf prevails in the case, Kagan continued, the result would be what some might think of as an awkward conversation about why she wears a headscarf and whether she'd seek a religious accommodation. The alternative is a rule where Abercrombie just gets to say, we're going to stereotype people and prevent them from getting jobs. Now, between those two options, which one seems worse? There didn't seem to be much doubt about which option the court will pick. Nina Totenberg, NPR News, Washington. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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