If you've ever felt like your smartphone was getting in the way of a breakthrough thought, you may not be off base. Research suggests that our brains need downtime and that people have some of their most creative ideas when they're bored. The constant distraction of our phones can get in the way of that.

Our friends at New Tech City, a WNYC podcast, recently challenged us all to put our phones down with their campaign Bored and Brilliant: The Lost Art of Spacing Out. Using an app, Moment, participants tracked their smartphone usage for a week and were challenged to cut it down the next.

Seven people on the All Things Considered staff were among those who took up the gauntlet, including host Audie Cornish. And while my colleagues and I didn't feel we were doing very well, we did better than the larger group and reduced our phone use by an average of 10 minutes a day. Overall, the more than 18,000 participants cut their smartphone screen time by an average of four minutes, according to New Tech City host Manoush Zomorodi.

"We really struck a nerve with this idea that reflexively checking your phone comes at a mental cost," Zomorodi says.

At the beginning of the project, she says, users were averaging about two hours of phone use per day.

New Tech City also offered a couple of specific challenges to help people keep their idle hands off their phones. On one day, they were told to delete a vice app — like Candy Crush — that absorbs too much of their time.

Zomorodi says she used that opportunity to delete the game TwoDots and ended up cutting a huge chunk out of her phone time.

Another day, participants were asked to put their phone away while in transit — on a train, in the car, walking down the street, etc.

Were people really more brilliant at the end? It's admittedly hard to judge creativity, but Zomorodi says they did hear from people at the end of the challenge who felt better once they started to untether themselves from their phones. One described coming out of "mental hibernation," while another person said she thought she was learning more in school without the constant distractions.

As I mentioned before, Team All Things Considered had mixed results. Some of us were actually logging more time on our phones during the challenge week, and many of us felt unfairly judged by the Moment tracking app when we listened to music or podcasts that commanded screen time. Ultimately, though, it seemed like a wake-up call worth answering.

Serri Graslie is a producer for All Things Considered and NPR.org.

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Some of my colleagues here at ALL THINGS CONSIDERED have been taking up a challenge, trying to be less consumed by their smartphones. Here's the reason. Research suggests that our brains need downtime and that people have some of their most creative ideas when they're bored. But these days we have instant mental simulation at the ready in the form of our phones. And the slightest hint of boredom - say, waiting for the train or standing in an elevator - we can now be working or at least online. Our friends at the WNYC podcast New Tech City came up with a way to quantify screen time and challenged all of us to put down our phones. Seven people on our staff took up the gauntlet, my co-hosts among them. And Audie Cornish is going to pick this up from here. Audie, how did it go?


Well, in a word, rough. (Laughter).

SIEGEL: You're in withdrawal?

CORNISH: Yes, exactly. The Bored and Brilliant challenge was a challenge to those of us. Here's just a little hint of what we had to go through.

RACHEL ROOD, BYLINE: I did very terribly with this challenge.

MELISSA GRAY, BYLINE: Well, it didn't go that well, I guess, if the whole point of this was to get me to use my phone less.

SERRI GRASLIE, BYLINE: I don't know if I'm actually doing any better than I was before.

CORNISH: That's producer Serri Graslie - before her, Melissa Gray and Rachel Rood. Let's see how this has been going for everyone else. Manoush Zomorodi is the host of New Tech City at WNYC and the brains behind much of this challenge. Hey there, Manoush.


CORNISH: So let's start with the big picture, right? It wasn't just us. A lot of people seem to resonate with this idea. Just how many people actually signed up?

ZOMORODI: So, Audie, we had more than 18,000 people sign up, and I really think what we learned was that we really struck a nerve with this idea that reflexively checking your phone comes at a mental cost. Seventy percent of those we surveyed before the challenges told us the reason that they signed up was because they just wanted more time to think.

AMANDA ITZKO: This is Amanda from DC. The itch to just pick up my phone and check it is absolutely overwhelming.

ERIC O'RAFFERTY: My name is Eric O'Rafferty, and I'm from Altadena, Calif. Overall, the challenge has been pretty easy for me. My minutes have gone from around 200 a day to below a hundred.

CORNISH: And, Manoush, Eric O'Rafferty there referring to the app we were all using to do this. We downloaded an app that was tracking minutes of screen time and number of times a day the phone is actually picked up. Overall, how did people do?

ZOMORODI: OK. So we were using two hours as our baseline. That's where we started out. And over the course of the week, overall our group did check their phones fewer times each day during challenge week, and they spent fewer minutes on their phone. But, you know, it really was a small amount. It was about four minutes less and a couple fewer phone pickups. But, you know, Audie, what I found so interesting from the survey results that we've just gotten in is almost 90 percent felt somewhat or very confident that they could alter their future phone use habits. And though our data was not done in a lab, we have heard from numerous psychologists and neuroscientists who are curious about this project because there just aren't many studies on the consequences of digital disruption.

CORNISH: And out of that 18,000 number, you've actually broken out team ALL THINGS CONSIDERED - right? - our tiny little data set. How did we do?

ZOMORODI: OK. So team ATC at NPR. You guys went down an overall 10 minutes. But I want to be clear here. There were a couple of you who I think had a hard week (laughter) and even went up.

CORNISH: There were also specific assignments - right? - these little challenges to help us cut down our smartphone activities. Now, again, you're looking at the survey. Any particular challenge that people actually made good progress on?

ZOMORODI: Yeah. We saw that two of the challenges really had an effect. The first one which was keep your phone in your pocket so as you move throughout your day as you're walking down the street or taking the train - that one made a big difference. And the other one that made a difference was deleting that app. I deleted a game that I had been spending way too much time on, and that took a big old chunk out of my numbers. Ninety percent of those that we surveyed said they will try to continue to keep their phone in their pocket, and 50 percent plan on deleting apps, too.

CORNISH: But to get back to the point of the experiment, the idea - right? - is that there are hints that too little time letting our minds wander might actually hurt our creativity.


CORNISH: Again, when you looked at your surveys, do you get a sense that people actually felt more creative when they put their phones down?

ZOMORODI: Well, that we have to rely on anecdotes, Audie. Billy wrote us saying he felt like he came out of mental hibernation. Melissa Gross, a student, said she was stunned - that she felt like she was understanding more at school. You know, how you measure creativity, obviously, is in the eye of the beholder. But really what it shows is that there is a subset of our society that is craving harmony with technology, and I think this group is only going to grow unless we rethink how and where we use it and we put some pressure on technology companies to build our apps and our devices to fit into our lives better.

CORNISH: Manoush, thanks so much for bringing us into the challenge. It was a lot of fun.

ZOMORODI: It was great. Thanks for doing it.

CORNISH: That's Manoush Zomorodi, host of the podcast New Tech City from our member station WNYC. Now, her show will be all about the challenge this week. And you can still take the challenge. You can still sign up. It's not too late. Find links and more about the results on our blog, npr.org/alltech. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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