The indictment against 24-year-old Palestinian Ayman Mahareeq says comments he posted on Facebook illegally insulted the West Bank police force and the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank.

The indictment against 24-year-old Palestinian Ayman Mahareeq says comments he posted on Facebook illegally insulted the West Bank police force and the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank.

Emily Harris/NPR

In the waiting room of a courthouse in the West Bank city of Ramallah last week, a clerk called defendants to pick up their files while loudspeaker announcements blared courtroom assignments.

A skinny young man in jeans and a blue T-shirt waited to hear his name. Ayman Mahareeq, who just turned 24, faced charges of insulting officials based on comments he'd posted on Facebook.

"One of my posts was about how Palestinian security forces act whenever Israeli forces enter the West Bank," Mahareeq says. "They withdraw and hide."

He characterizes the post — which he has since taken down — as harshly critical.

In another post, Mahareeq wrote: "May the rule of the Palestinian Authority collapse," referring to the governing body with certain administrative powers over Palestinians in the West Bank.

Both caught the eye of the Palestinian police. Officers arrested him in a coffee shop last November. He was interrogated — and beaten, he says — and imprisoned for a month.

Conflicting Laws

One Palestinian law promises freedom of expression. But another bans people from insulting any official, from the head of state on down. The indictment against Mahareeq says he illegally insulted the Palestinian Authority and police force with his Facebook posts.

Mahareeq is clear: He does not support the Palestinian Authority, saying this body, created through the Oslo agreement with Israel more than two decades ago, does not represent the Palestinian people.

The original plan was for the Palestinian Authority to exist for just a few years as part of an interim arrangement while the Israelis and Palestinians negotiated a comprehensive peace agreement that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state.

But with negotiations stalled, the Palestinian Authority has limped along since 1994 with limited powers in the West Bank, and even less authority in the Gaza Strip, which is now dominated by the Islamist group Hamas.

"The Palestinian Authority has signed agreements with Israel that humiliate Palestinians," Mahareeq says. "And we don't accept being insulted."

Neither side likes insults. Even Mahareeq's lawyer, Anas Barghouti, hired by a human rights organization, says there is no place for insults in civil society, even of leaders.

Barghouti says he is not a fan of Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, who is the Palestinian Authority president.

"If I say Abu Mazen is a donkey, that's not a political view," Barghouti says. "This is an insult to a human being."

And, under Palestinian law, it's a crime. But Barghouti argues that Mahareeq made no such insults. Besides, he says that's not what's going on here.

He thinks recent arrests for Facebook posts are all about politics.

"Political arrests go up and down according to two main factors," Barghouti says. "One is the relationship with Israel. The other is the relationship with Hamas."

Palestinian Authority officials deny they make political arrests.

Internal Palestinian Feuds

The Palestinian Authority is largely run by the Fatah political party, which reached a formal reconciliation last year with its more militant and Islamist rival, Hamas. But in practice, the two groups remain very much at odds.

Compared to other places in the Middle East, there's more room for political debate in the West Bank than in Gaza or in many Arab nations.

But Mahareeq is not the only Palestinian arrested for Facebook posts. Security agents arrested Mohammad Zaki, a university student, at his home last September. He says he spent five days in solitary confinement, with intervals for interrogation.

"On the first day, all the interrogations were about Facebook," the IT student says. "The next day, the prosecutor charged me with insulting Palestinian officials. The third fourth and fifth days focused on political activities at the university."

Hamas recently won a student government election at Birzeit University, a major West Bank campus. After that, students were questioned by both Palestinian and Israeli security forces.

Zaki says it's all to scare students from voicing political opinions. And he has quit, at least on Facebook.

"Before I was first arrested, I thought that I can put my opinions on Facebook. That there was freedom of expression, freedom of exchange of ideas," Zaki says. "But after what happened to me, I decided there is no freedom of thinking."

Zaki says he got a one-year sentence for insulting authorities reduced to three months, which meant he could pay a $125 fine and go free.

But even after his case was over, he says Palestinian security officials interrogated him several more times. Last month, he says, he stopped using Facebook entirely because officials questioned him about chats and messages he thought were private.

Meanwhile, Ayman Mahareeq's court date was postponed last week — for the fourth time. Like Zaki, he has also cut back on social media posts.

But he says he still shows up at protests against the Palestinian Authority — in person.

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There's a fine line between what you're allowed or not allowed to post on Facebook when you live in the West Bank. Last week, two Palestinian men faced charges for Facebook posts that allegedly insulted Palestinian officials. Critics say the arrests are meant to stifle political opposition. NPR's Emily Harris has the story.

EMILY HARRIS, BYLINE: In the waiting room of a Ramallah courthouse last week, a clerk called defendants to pick up their files - all paper - while the loudspeaker announcements blared assignments. Twenty-four-year-old Ayman Mahareeq was there to face charges based on Facebook posts.

AYMAN MAHAREEQ: (Through interpreter) One of my posts was about how Palestinian security forces act whenever Israeli forces enter the West Bank - they withdraw and hide. I criticized that harshly.

HARRIS: That was just one of his posts that caught someone's eye. Palestinian police arrested him in a coffee shop last November and imprisoned him for a month. One Palestinian law promises freedom of expression, but another bans people from insulting any official from the head of state on down. The indictment against Mahareeq cites a post in which called for an end to the Palestinian Authority Administration.

MAHAREEQ: (Through interpreter) Basically, I oppose the Palestinian Authority. It doesn't represent the Palestinian people, just the people who are part of the government. The PA has signed agreements with Israel that humiliate Palestinians, and we don't accept being insulted.

HARRIS: So neither side likes insults. Even the lawyer defending Mahareeq, Anas Barghouti, says there is no place for insults in civil society, even of leaders. For example, he is not a personal fan of Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, but he'd never call the president a donkey.

ANAS BARGHOUTI: (Through interpreter) If I say Abu Mazen is a donkey, that's not a political view. This is an insult to a human being.

HARRIS: And under Palestinian law, it's a crime. But lawyer Barghouti says that's not what's going on here. He thinks recent arrests for Facebook posts are all about politics.

BARGHOUTI: (Through interpreter) Political arrests go up and down according to two main factors. One is the relationship with Israel, the other is the relationship with Hamas.

HARRIS: The Palestinian Authority is run by the Fatah political party, which has not managed to reconcile with its more militant and Islamist rival, Hamas. Palestinian Authority officials deny they make political arrests. Compared to some Arab nations, there is more room for political debate in the West Bank. But Mahareeq is not the only Palestinian arrested for Facebook posts. Security agents arrested Mohammad Zaki, a university student, from his home last September. He says he spent five days in solitary confinement with intervals for interrogation.

MOHAMMAD ZAKI: (Through interpreter) On the first day, all the interrogations were about Facebook. The next day, the prosecutor charged me with insulting Palestinian officials. The third, fourth and fifth days focused on political activities at the university.

HARRIS: Hamas recently won a student government election at a major West Bank university. After that, students were questioned by both Palestinian and Israeli security forces. Zaki says it's all to scare students from voicing political opinions, and he has quit - at least on Facebook.

ZAKI: (Through interpreter) Before I was first arrested, I thought that I can put my opinions on Facebook, that there was freedom of expression, freedom of exchange of ideas. But after what happened to me, I decided there is no freedom of thinking. Then in May, I stopped using Facebook entirely because I was arrested again and interrogated about private chats and messages.

HARRIS: Zaki says he got a one-year sentence for insulting authorities, reduced to three months, which meant he could pay a $125 fine and go free.

Meanwhile the trial of Ayman Mahareeq, who was in court last week, was delayed until September. He has also cut back on social media posts, but says he still shows up at protests against the Palestinian Authority in person. Emily Harris, NPR News, Ramallah. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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