All Things Considered
Weekdays from 4-6:00pm
In-depth reporting and transformed the way listeners understand current events and view the world. Every weekday, hear two hours of breaking news mixed with compelling analysis, insightful commentaries, interviews, and special - sometimes quirky - features.
An Online Upstart Roils French Media, Politics
by Eleanor Beardsley
Casting Call: Hollywood Needs More Women
by NPR Staff
Women make up half of movie viewers, and yet they are underrepresented on the big screen. Many more films are made by, for and star men, according to surveys by the Annenberg School. So as Hollywood changes and evolves, can this disparity be fixed?
Sixty Years Of The Corvette
The first Corvette rolled off the assembly line on this day back in 1953. And it certainly made an impression. We present a montage of the Corvette's influence on pop culture the past 60 years.
Back On The Ground, Nik Wallenda Dreams Up His Next Walk
by NPR Staff
Wallenda put his circus family back on the map with his high-wire trip across Niagara Falls in 2012. Last week, it was a walk across a 1,500-foot gorge near the Grand Canyon. Of course he gets butterflies, he says, but there's no fear.
Measuring The African-American Financial Divide
by Cheryl Corley
NPR conducted the poll of African-American communities with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health. While the gap between the well-off and poor in the U.S. has stretched wide in recent years, we found that black Americans describe their financial divide as a nearly 50-50 split, and it affects how they view the world.
The Movie Paul Feig Has 'Seen A Million Times'
by Lily Percy
Writer-director Paul Feig could watch the James Bond film Casino Royale a million times. "Daniel Craig really embodies Ian Fleming's James Bond," he says.