All Things Considered
Weekdays from 4-6:00pm
In-depth reporting and transformed the way listeners understand current events and view the world. Every weekday, hear two hours of breaking news mixed with compelling analysis, insightful commentaries, interviews, and special - sometimes quirky - features.
How Jimmy Carter helped bring Guinea worm infections from 3.5 million to 14 per year
President Carter helped lead a global health effort to eradicate the Guinea worm, a painful parasite which once infected more than 3 million people a year. Cases now number about a dozen a year.
Grounding Of 787s Creates Doubts About 'Business As Usual' At Boeing
by Yuki Noguchi
The company's CEO said Boeing plans to keep building its new 787s while it awaits the outcome of investigations into the cause of a fire and overheating aboard the planes. But some analysts are skeptical about continuing the assembly line before the results are in.
To Fight Addiction, FDA Advisers Endorse Limits On Vicodin
by Rob Stein
Painkillers containing the drug hydrocodone have provided relief to many in pain. But a panel recommended the federal government place restrictions on access to the drugs to lessen the odds of addiction.