Morning Edition
Weekdays 5:00-9:00am
6:51: Marketplace Morning Report
8:51: Marketplace Morning Report
Hosted by Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin, Morning Edition takes listeners around both the country and the world with multi-faceted stories and commentaries every weekday.
For more than four decades, NPR's Morning Edition has prepared listeners for the day ahead with up-to-the-minute news, background analysis, and commentary. Regularly heard on Morning Edition are familiar NPR commentators, and the special series StoryCorps, the largest oral history project in American history.
Morning Edition has garnered broadcasting's highest honors—including the George Foster Peabody Award and the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award.

Trump wants to clear homeless camps in D.C.; Mayor says his policies hurt the city
by Michel Martin
Will Clinton's Poor Showing In Michigan Bleed Into Illinois' Primary?
'Fantastic Lies' Lays Out 2006 Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Persistent Caller Complains About Reagan National Airport Noise
The Burp Heard 'Round The World
Clinton, Sanders Square Off In Miami Ahead Of Primaries On Tuesday
by Scott Detrow
Ben And Jerry Of Ice Cream Fame Back Bernie Sanders
Nuclear Plant Threatens Miami-Dade's Water. Mayor Says, 'This Isn't Flint'
by Greg Allen
'The Obama Doctrine': Examining White House Foreign Policy
Aung San Suu Kyi Will Not Be Myanmar's Next President
by Anthony Kuhn
As Oil Prices Drop, Azerbaijan Looks For Help From International Loans
by Corey Flintoff