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Weekend Edition Saturday

Saturdays at 8:00am

The program wraps up the week's news and offers a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories.

Weekend Edition Saturday website

A black and white version of the Weekend Edition radio program logo.

The Trump And Rudy Show

The Trump administration could be trumpeting good employment news and progress with North Korea but it keeps stepping on its tail as it responds to the president's legal problems.

Condola Rashad Talks Joan Of Arc On Broadway

Condola Rashad stars in St. Joan on Broadway and tells NPR's Scott Simon that Joan of Arc will always be fascinating as a woman who did what she believed and led thousands of soldiers to victory.

#MeToo And The Law

Was Bill Cosby's conviction a victory for the #MeToo Movement? NPR's Scott Simon speaks with lawyer Carrie Goldberg about how the movement has potentially changed the courtroom.

No More Outings For Penn State Outing Club

A risk assessment by Penn State University found that the Outing Club's activities — hiking and backpacking — are too dangerous. The 98-year-old club will be barred from organizing trips.