This year's annual 30A Songwriters Festival took place back in January, drawing over 175 artists who perform at venues along the Emerald Coast in Northwestern Florida. Sunshine, surf and songs. What could be better?

In partnership with our friends at WMOT, we're playing back some standout sessions for you. Today, it's the music of The Reverend Shawn Amos. For decades, Amos has mixed blues, roots, gospel and rock to tremendous effect. In addition, he's also an author and producer. He first visited World Cafe in 2005, for the release of his album Thank You Shirl-ee May (A Love Story). His new album, Soul Brother No. 1, was released last month. Enjoy.

Thank you to WMOT's Jessie Scott; Erika Nalow for recording and mixing this session; and Jessica Rigsby and Kinsey McBride for capturing it on video.

This episode of World Cafe was produced by Will Loftus. The web build was created by Miguel Perez. Our senior producer is Kimberly Junod and our engineer is Chris Williams. Our programming and booking coordinator is Chelsea Johnson.

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