The Alamance-Burlington School System is freezing teacher supplements at last year’s levels due to budget shortfalls. 

Officials say the district exceeded its budget for the last fiscal year and is facing a projected $2.4 million deficit at the start of the next one. 

As a result, the school system has had to make some cuts. At the top of the list were employee supplements.

“I know that this is not the preferred outcome for any of us on the Board, but unfortunately it is our reality, and I hate that this is the option," Board of Education Chairperson Sandy Ellington-Graves said at the last meeting. 

Teacher and administrator supplements will be based on last year’s salary scale, which is estimated to save the district roughly $750,000. 

Officials say they also plan to make cuts to Central Office staff and will be reviewing other positions throughout the school system. 

Amy Diaz covers education for WFDD in partnership with Report For America. You can follow her on Twitter at @amydiaze.

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