When Anderson .Paak leaps behind the drums midway through "The Season/Carry Me," he doesn't miss a beat. Instead, his vocals lock in and it becomes clear that everything he does — from drumming, to dancing, to rapping, to capitalizing on his buzz — is meticulously on beat. His band is right there with him; they nail the first single off Malibu, turning around the song during the transition and then setting it straight again for the pulse-pounding finish.

Set List


Producers: Saidah Blount, Mito Habe-Evans, Otis Hart; Technical Director: Josh Rogosin; Director: Mito Habe-Evans; Videographers: Nickolai Hammar, Katie Hayes Luke, Cameron Robert, A.J. Wilhelm, Lizzie Chen; Editor: Cameron Robert; Audio: Timothy Powell/Metro Mobile; Assistant Audio Engineer: Loretta Rae; Production Assistants: Erin Conlon, Nathan Gaar; Special Thanks: SXSW, Stubb's BBQ; Executive Producer: Anya Grundmann.

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