Singer-songwriter Aoife O'Donovan makes her sixth appearance on Mountain Stage, recorded live at the Culture Center Theater in Charleston, W.Va. Whether she was fronting the innovative string band Crooked Still, performing with folk-noir trio Sometimes Why or making a melodic solo debut, O'Donovan has been captivating Mountain Stage for over a decade with her enchanting voice and Americana arrangements. She is accompanied here by virtuoso guitarist Anthony Da Costa and drummer Steve Nistor, as well as tourmate and fellow Mountain Stage guest Willie Watson of Old Crow Medicine Show, who joins in on the Bob Dylan-penned tune "When I Paint My Masterpiece."

O'Donovan released two albums in 2016: her sophomore solo record, In The Magic Hour, and the live recording Man In A Neon Coat: Live From Cambridge, both of which are out now on Yep Roc Records.


  • "Porch Light"
  • "Hornets"
  • "Magic Hour"
  • "Detour Sign"
  • "The King Of All Birds"
  • "When I Paint My Masterpiece"
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