Winston-Salem city officials say snow-related vehicle accidents, 911 calls and power outages have been minimal in the early hours of Wednesday afternoon’s storm.

Keith Huff, director of field operations for Winston-Salem, said during a press conference that bridges and other elevated surfaces are seeing higher snow accumulations. He specifically pointed out Peace Haven Road, Jonestown Road and Salem Parkway. 

"If you see snow-clearing operations, please give those folks a wide berth," Huff said. "Obviously they’re in some larger equipment and just please give them a wide berth as you travel. But absolutely, the take-home point is travel safely if you have to be out at all." 

The National Weather Service’s forecast for Winston-Salem has not changed. The agency expects about an inch and a half of snow leading into Thursday morning. 

City officials warned ice on roads may not become as much of an issue until nightfall. 

Santiago Ochoa covers healthcare for WFDD in partnership with Report For America. Follow him on X and Instagram: @santi8a98

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