Back in May, law enforcement officers were called to disband a pro-Palestine rally and encampment at Wake Forest University.

A committee charged with reviewing the school’s response to the protest released their findings last week. 

The After Action Review Committee is made up of six faculty and staff members. Over the course of seven weeks, the group spoke with 43 individuals involved in the events including administrators, staff and students.

According to the committee’s report, some believed the response to the pro-Palestine demonstration was appropriate. But others felt the use of law enforcement deviated from the university’s cultural norms, and that the administration had shown a bias in favor of those who support Israel. 

The committee didn’t endorse any one perspective, but offered four recommendations for the university moving forward. One was to adopt a written protocol to guide decisions around deploying police in the context of campus demonstrations.

"This would ensure that the many relevant and consequential factors are considered prior to the deployment of law enforcement," the report states. 

The committee also recommended the university adopt "reasonable time, place, and manner guidelines applicable to campus-based protests and demonstrations," which the university did earlier this month. On Aug. 1, WFU administration released a new University Policy on Demonstrations, Chalking, and Posting, which the committee said provides "greater clarity." 

In a letter to the Wake Forest community, President Susan Wente wrote that she accepted the recommendations.

"Freedom of expression and academic freedom, including the right to demonstrate, are foundational to our academic mission," Wente said. "I am confident that the Committee’s recommendations will further improve how the University prepares for and responds to future demonstrations."

Wente also said that the university will offer updates to the Wake Forest community as actions are taken. 

Amy Diaz covers education for WFDD in partnership with Report For America. You can follow her on Twitter at @amydiaze.

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