Cone Health announced this week it will contribute $5 million toward one of Greensboro’s most anticipated community development projects.

The $70 million Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex was first announced by the city in 2016. One of the project’s focuses will be increasing access to public health resources. 

Chris Wilson, Greensboro’s interim manager, said the city was considering cutting some of the complex’s health and wellness components due to cost constraints. 

Some of these included a running track and an area for people to get their blood pressure checked. 

With the funds from Cone Health, Wilson said these features will remain in the project’s design. 

He added that while it’s too early to offer specifics, the city is workshopping ideas for how the health system’s services could have a presence inside the complex or in a nearby building. 

Construction for the Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex will start in early 2025 with an expected finish date in 2027. 

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