Before the lockdown, harpist Brandee Younger and double bassist Dezron Douglas were constantly on the road, usually spending time apart as they toured with artists such as Makaya McCraven and Enrico Rava. This quarantine has allowed these college sweethearts to shine radiantly together as a duo. Their weekly "Brunch In The Crib" Facebook live streams from their East Harlem, N.Y., apartment provide many tranquil moments to their fans.
They both claim to have come up with their Brunch series idea, but Younger says she has the tweet to prove it. "It was totally my idea to do a harp and bass concert in the living room, but it was completely Dezron's idea to make it a brunch and to continue it," she admits.
They say necessity is the mother of invention, and that's exactly what prompted the couple's co-composition in the time of COVID-19: "Toilet Paper Romance." "When we wrote the song, toilet paper was the theme of the month," Douglas explains. "People were hoarding and getting violent and evil over toilet paper. It just fit with the mood of society."
- "Toilet Paper Romance"
Produced by Jazz Night in America and The Checkout from WBGO.
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