Elon University has developed an artificial intelligence primer to help students get a deeper understanding of the technology and how to use it responsibly. It's being offered for free to other colleges.

The digital guidebook was done in collaboration with more than 120 scholars and the assistance of the American Association of Colleges and Universities.\There’s been some trepidation in academia about the potential misuse of AI in the classroom. Elon President Connie Book says they’re embracing it because students are already using it and employers are interested in a workforce that knows how to use the technology.

But she says there needs to be guidelines.

“It’s helpful to remind students not to lose sight of the power of a human conversation and a mentor, a parent, a faculty member in helping guide decision making,” she says.

Book says among the concerns about artificial intelligence in the classrooms is making sure students don’t provide too much personal information that could be misused.

She says the goal is to spread AI literacy as part of the core college education. Book says high school students could also benefit from the free guide.

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