John Willink, better known as “Jocko,” served 20 years as a Navy SEAL, rising in the ranks to lead training for all SEALs on the West Coast.
Now he’s an author and podcaster. His latest podcast episode is called “How to win with people you don’t like. How to not get interrupted. The exception to–no bad teams, only bad leaders.”
Willink clearly knows how to face an adversary. But to his audience, he says the main opponent is within.
In addition to his books for adults, Willink has now written a series of children's novels called Way of the Warrior Kid.
What can he tell us about manhood? How should we raise boys?
Jocko Willink, Retired Navy SEAL; author, “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win” and the “Way of the Warrior Kid” children’s book series; host, “Jocko Podcast”
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