More than 500,000 people have died in the U.S. from COVID-19 since the pandemic hit this country and the world just over a year ago. NPR is remembering some of those who lost their lives by listening to the music they loved and hearing their stories. We're calling our tribute Songs Of Remembrance.
Frank travelled all over the US and the world to attend concerts, and to also experience other cultures. He turned 40 in June. He was supposed to go to Japan in 2020 with his friends for his next global adventure. They settled for Texas instead. A couple of weeks after they got back, he got sick, and that is where his story ended, sadly. He leaves behind his wife, his young son, a big family, countless friends and touched souls. There are too many shattered hearts to count.
A few days after he died, Depeche Mode's "Home" came up on my playlist randomly, and all I could do was sob and think that he was telling me and my family something. The chorus repeats: "And I thank you / For bringing me here / For showing me home / For singing these tears / Finally I've found / That I belong here." Thank you for giving me a space to write about an incredible human and share just one little detail of his wonderful life. His [obituary and guest book] can be found here: Frank Duc Tam Nguyen. —Kim Nguyen, sister
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