Fresh Air Weekend highlights some of the best interviews and reviews from past weeks, and new program elements specially paced for weekends. Our weekend show emphasizes interviews with writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians, and often includes excerpts from live in-studio concerts. This week:

Rashida Jones On Becoming A Mom, Losing Her Mom, And The 'Big Chapters' Of Life: Jones filmed On the Rocks shortly after her son's birth and her mother's death. She nearly turned down the role, and is glad she didn't. "This movie was kind of a salvation for me," she says.

'Judas And The Black Messiah' Is A Tense Thriller About The Black Panther Party: A powerful new film focuses on the last year in the life of Fred Hampton, the chairman of the Black Panthers' Illinois chapter, who was only 21 when he was killed during a raid planned by the FBI.

U.S. Cyber Weapons Were Leaked — And Are Now Being Used Against Us, Reporter Says: New York Times reporter Nicole Perlroth says the U.S. went from having the world's strongest cyber arsenal to becoming most susceptible to attack. Her book is This is How They Tell Me The World Ends.

You can listen to the original interviews and review here:

Rashida Jones On Becoming A Mom, Losing Her Mom, And The 'Big Chapters' Of Life

'Judas And The Black Messiah' Is A Tense Thriller About The Black Panther Party

U.S. Cyber Weapons Were Leaked — And Are Now Being Used Against Us, Reporter Says

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