Fresh Air Weekend highlights some of the best interviews and reviews from past weeks, and new program elements specially paced for weekends. Our weekend show emphasizes interviews with writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians, and often includes excerpts from live in-studio concerts. This week:

Pianist Jason Moran reaches for 'the drama, the comedy and the tragedy' of music: Moran talks jazz and plays selections from his latest recording, which borrows from the music of James Reese Europe, the composer and musician who led the Harlem Hellfighters regiment band during WWI.

For 'Such Kindness' novelist Andre Dubus III, chronic pain is a fact of life: Dubus III talks about the injuries he faced when he was a carpenter, and how his relationship changed with his father after the senior Dubus was struck by a car and never walked again.

You can listen to the original interviews and review here:

Pianist Jason Moran reaches for 'the drama, the comedy and the tragedy' of music

For 'Such Kindness' novelist Andre Dubus III, chronic pain is a fact of life

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