Fresh Air Weekend highlights some of the best interviews and reviews from past weeks, and new program elements specially paced for weekends. Our weekend show emphasizes interviews with writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians, and often includes excerpts from live in-studio concerts. This week:

'Fresh Air' presents: Christmas with Questlove: Get ready for holiday music! Roots cofounder Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson shares his Christmas playlist, which includes songs by DRAM, James Brown, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.

Justin Chang pairs the 10 best movies of 2022, and picks 'No Bears' as his favorite: Fresh Air's film critic says it was a terrific year for movies but also a dispiriting one. Blockbusters brought audiences back to theaters, but romantic comedies and grown-up dramas often struggled.

You can listen to the original interviews and review here:

'Fresh Air' presents: Christmas with Questlove

Justin Chang pairs the 10 best movies of 2022, and picks 'No Bears' as his favorite

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