Fresh Air Weekend highlights some of the best interviews and reviews from past weeks, and new program elements specially paced for weekends. Our weekend show emphasizes interviews with writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians, and often includes excerpts from live in-studio concerts. This week:

Trump 'Will Not Accept Any Result That Is Not A Victory,' 'Atlantic' Writer Says: Atlantic writer Barton Gellman says the 2020 election could trigger a constitutional crisis: "This is not going to be a normal election. ... Preserving its legitimacy is going to take extra effort."

Artemis Brings Together An International, Inter-Generational Band Of Women: A few years ago, pianist Renee Rosnes organized a jazz band featuring six female musicians sometimes joined by a singer. These jazz all-stars are in alignment on Artemis' self-titled new album.

Filmmaker Faces Her Father's Mortality By Staging His 'Death' Again And Again: When Kirsten Johnson's dad started showing signs of dementia, she struggled to accept the impending loss. So she staged a series of imagined accidents in her new film, Dick Johnson Is Dead.

You can listen to the original interviews and review here:

Trump 'Will Not Accept Any Result That Is Not A Victory,' 'Atlantic' Writer Says

Artemis Brings Together An International, Inter-Generational Band Of Women

Filmmaker Faces Her Father's Mortality By Staging His 'Death' Again And Again

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