Ten years ago, Garance Doré was a struggling illustrator and street style photographer in Paris. When she would ask someone with great fashion on the street to take their photograph, they would decline. "I was thirty and broke and my mom wouldn't talk to me anymore," she recounted to host Ophira Eisenberg. Her last-ditch effort was her style blog, which she started in 2006. At first, Doré's blog was the subject of much skepticism from the fashion world. But soon, fashion blogs like Doré's took off, and people began asking for Garance to take their photograph.
These days, fashion blogs are ubiquitous and can set off the next great fashion trend. Doré has expanded her empire to include a video and audio podcast series called Pardon My French, where she interviews designers, writers, and cultural icons. Her recent book Love, Style, Life, is a New York Times bestseller, covering her favorite subjects.
Doré spends her time between Manhattan and Paris writing, photographing, podcasting and illustrating. For her special Ask Me Another challenge, we read quotes from famous people, and she must guess if they're about Paris, or New York City.
Heard On Ira Sachs, Jennifer Ehle, Garance Doré: New York Or Paris?
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