The state of North Carolina is seeking public input on an environmental justice initiative outlined in an executive order signed by Governor Roy Cooper late last year.

It reestablished a statewide Environmental Justice Advisory Council and directed state agencies to create environmental goals. The council, which is made up of both government officials and community members, is tasked with providing guidance to policymakers. 

The order also supported the creation of a mapping tool that’s designed to make it easier for citizens to identify environmental justice issues. It charts the locations of hazardous waste sites, drought or flood-prone areas, and the rates of certain diseases by location, among other things. 

Officials say the council plans to use these kinds of tools and other data-driven approaches to “reduce exposures to life-threatening environmental contaminants,” particularly in the state’s historically marginalized communities. 

The public is invited to share their concerns at a statewide community meeting to be held virtually this Thursday at 5 p.m. In-person forums are also scheduled for several counties including Warren and Duplin.

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