The city of Greensboro is launching a neighborhood traffic management program to create safer streets through a collaborative effort between residents and officials.

The Greensboro Department of Transportation's new initiative will partner neighborhoods with city engineers to craft tailored plans to improve traffic safety. The program is for two-lane roads with residential properties and speed limits from 25-30 miles per hour.

Transportation Engineering Manager Chris Spencer says officials have long heard about speeding concerns in neighborhoods.

"We have a limited number of resources or number of tools that we can take advantage of today," he says. "But with this new neighborhood traffic program we'll be able to address more of the systemic issues, the issues that continue to be a problem year after year."

He says applications will be selected through a needs-based analysis. The city will take into account things such as the number of cars passing through an area, and how many accidents occur there.

Spencer says traffic calming measures could include elevated crosswalks, speed humps and mini-roundabouts.

Residents who would like to have their streets considered should apply by Aug. 31.

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