Greensboro saw a record number of homicides in 2023, but there have been notably fewer this year.

Last year’s 74 homicides were the most of any year in the Gate City. But entering the final month of this year, the total had declined by more than 40 percent.

Greensboro Police Capt. Ashley Brown says one of the reasons is stronger partnerships — everything from federal agencies to local anti-violence organizations. 

Brown says a program called Project CLEARS helps connect them with important community groups looking to reduce violent crime. 

"What we're going to gain from this program is having those connections with the community, so that when a crime does happen in that neighborhood, we have someone we can talk to," he says. "We have someone that has credibility in the neighborhood."

Brown says the staffing problems that have plagued Greensboro and many other police departments are improving. He says there are currently about 90 vacancies for sworn officers but around 60 people in various levels of training who are preparing to fill many of those slots.

Winston-Salem also saw a drop in homicides from its record high of 47 in 2023. As of early December, homicides had also declined by more than 40 percent.


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