There has been disagreement among Guilford County Democrats after the party’s African American Caucus published an open letter criticizing the speedy appointment of Tracy Clark to the state's 57th District. 

Last Friday, the caucus’s executive committee released a statement voicing concern with how the Democratic Party handled filling the seat left behind by former Representative Ashton Clemmons, who announced her departure from the state House of Representatives in July. 

The statement revealed the African American Caucus had urged party leadership to postpone the decision prior to now-Representative Tracy Clark’s Aug. 3 appointment. 

In the letter, caucus President Byron Gladden said the request for a delayed decision was made following concerns from elected officials, candidates and party supporters.

“A postponement would have allowed candidates and voters adequate time to understand the announced changes in the voting process, review their options, and complete outstanding requests for data from the local county chair,” Gladden said.

He also expressed “disappointment and surprise,” in Democratic Party Chair Kathy Kirkpatrick’s decision to go ahead with the meeting during which Clark was appointed. 

Kirkpatrick said her decision to do so was made with counsel from a party attorney, three parliamentarians and in accordance with the state’s laws and Democratic Party Plan of Organization.

She says party decisions are usually made using weighted voting, but in the case of filling the district seat, the rules called for using a one-person, one-vote system. 

Kirkpatrick added she understood the caucus’s concern and agreed with their argument. 

“I personally think that the plan and the law need to be changed so that we can use a weighted voting system but my personal opinion doesn’t override how everything is currently written,” Kirkpatrick said.

She also said should the appointment be found to have been done incorrectly, she will do it again.

The Guilford County African American Caucus did not respond to email and telephone requests for comment by deadline.

Santiago Ochoa covers healthcare for WFDD in partnership with Report For America. Follow him on X: @santi8a98

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