The Guilford County Democratic Party has chosen Greensboro businesswoman Tracy Clark to fill the vacant North Carolina House District 57 seat.

Clark will fill out the unexpired term of Ashton Clemmons. During a virtual meeting to choose her successor, Clark said funding education is among her priorities.

“We must do more to support our public schools," she said. "And that starts with stopping the expansion of the opportunity vouchers and redirecting that money back into public school systems.”

In a separate vote, party leaders also picked Clark to take Clemmons’ place on the November ballot. She’ll face Republican Janice Davis.

Clemmons announced in July she was leaving before the end of her term to take a position with the University of North Carolina System.

The district was redrawn during Clemmons’ term. It had included much of Northwest Guilford running to the Rockingham County border. The 2024 lines place it mostly in mid-Guilford with Summerfield areas removed.

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