Starting a new job is always tough — no matter the profession. But the first year for a new teacher can be brutal.
Research shows that roughly one teacher in 10 will quit by the end of that first year, and the toughest time — for many — is right now. In fact, this season is so famously hard on teachers that it even has a name ...
Here's a recent excerpt from the blog Love, Teach:
"Hello. Sorry it's been so long. I seem to have fallen into DEVOLSON ... an acronym I invented that stands for the Dark, Evil Vortex of Late September, October, and November. It's kind of a homophone for "devil's son," which is intentional. I discovered that it's the time of the school year where teachers are the busiest, craziest, and, usually the saddest."
We first mentioned DEVOLSON a few weeks ago, when our colleague, Meg Anderson, wrote the post below and struck a chord with lots of teachers — and not just newbies. The response was so great that we decided to make a little DEVOLSON radio. Just click on the little triangle up there and let the fun begin.

Like many first-year teachers, Luisana Regidor has a lot on her mind. There are lesson plans to write and papers to grade as well as a dozen other things: evaluations, observations, fundraisers, class trips. It's overwhelming.
"Last Wednesday, I left here and I got in my car and I just cried," says Regidor, who teaches U.S. history at Schurz High School in Chicago. "Everything was hitting me at once."
Regidor, 31, says other teachers warned her that the first year could be rough, but in September she was full of ideas and energy.
"Then, six weeks in, it happened," says Regidor. "Last Wednesday, I definitely felt like I should probably throw in the towel and do something else."
Regidor isn't alone in that feeling or its timing. One in 10 teachers will leave the classroom by the end of their first year, and teachers are particularly vulnerable in October and November.
Ellen Moir, CEO of the New Teacher Center, which runs mentor programs in roughly 200 districts nationwide, has decades of anecdotes to show that October hits hard. She even has a name for this time of year: The Disillusionment Phase.
"As they get six or seven weeks into school, they realize how tough it is to be a really good teacher," says Moir. "They need someone saying, 'You are not horrible. You are not a fraud.' "
First-year teachers who have someone they see as a mentor are more likely to stick it out. So, what about the new teachers who feel like they are out there on their own, with nothing more than a pat on the back and their own good intentions?
For them, veteran teacher Roxanna Elden has developed a free "disillusionment power pack." After one week, more than 1,000 people have signed up to receive a month of motivating emails sent every few days from Elden, an English teacher at Hialeah High School near Miami who has been teaching for more than a decade.
Her goal: get new teachers to Thanksgiving break.
"The aim is to say what I always wish someone had said to me in a meeting," says Elden, 36, who has also written an advice book for teachers called See Me After Class. She added that she hopes the emails, which allow teachers to write back, will create a safe place for those who might not have one.
"Lots of jobs are hard," says Elden, "but with teachers, it's like, 'Wow, I'm hurting kids because I'm as bad as I am.' You have these exaggerated thoughts like, 'Well, what if I break my leg? I'd get three weeks off.' "
The emails are a combination of personal stories and advice. One includes a photograph of a journal entry she wrote during her first year. Below it, Elden writes, "The students from this class are in their 20's now. I'm friends with many of them on Facebook, and they don't seem to have been permanently scarred by the mistakes."
Elden's worst day of her first fall in the classroom happened in late October. Her students were acting up, so she assigned them a long list of math problems even though she knew homework shouldn't be given as a punishment. Later she realized it was Halloween and that she had most likely only ruined the night for the kids who would do the homework — the ones who had been behaving anyway. It was the last straw: She broke down crying in her car.
Elden's emails alone might not make the difference if a teacher is seriously considering quitting. The more comprehensive a mentoring program, the more likely a new teacher is to stick around, says University of Pennsylvania professor Richard Ingersoll. But the emails might nudge a struggling teacher to seek more help elsewhere.
Back in Chicago, Regidor has been reaching out for support — to her mom, who is a principal at another school, and to the experienced teachers on her team.
"I look at them, and I go, 'Oh, they're still here,' " Regidor says. Despite the tough days, she stresses that she loves her students, her school and her job.
"You want to be that amazing teacher from Day 1, but you have to recognize it takes time," she says. "It'll get better."
Starting any new job can be tough. Starting a new job as a teacher is brutal. Research shows that roughly 1 teacher out of 10 will quit by the end of the first year, and the toughest time for many is right now. Cory Turner of the NPR Ed team reports this season is so famously hard on teachers, it even has a name.
CORY TURNER, BYLINE: DEVOLSON, D-E-V-O-L-S-O-N, it stands for...
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: The Dark Evil Vortex Of Late September October and November.
TURNER: This is the grade-school teacher who came up with the name. We're not using her name because she writes a popular anonymous blog, called "Love, Teach" in which she tackles some of education's toughest issues. DEVOLSON, she says, can be awful.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: There's just something about being able to name something that is killing you that kind of makes it easier to deal with. It's almost like a diagnosis.
TURNER: Teachers know they're in the depths of DEVOLSON if...
LUISANA REGIDOR: My observations are coming up with my administrators. I have lessons to plan, papers to grade.
TURNER: Luisana Regidor is a new U.S. history teacher at Schurz High School in Chicago.
REGIDOR: After September goes, you start seeing who's slipping with their grades. The reality of being a teacher hits you.
TURNER: Veteran teachers aren't immune either, says Lauren Schwab (ph) of Austin, Texas. She's been teaching for 31 years.
LAUREN SCHWAB: Oh, do report cards, and do conferences, and do lesson plans and teach. And then do this, that and the other, and it's October. And I just want to have fun with Halloween. (Laughter).
TURNER: Those are some causes. As for symptoms, there's one big one, says Regidor.
REGIDOR: When I left out of here and I got in my car, I just couldn't help but just burst into tears.
TURNER: The car cry. The "Love, Teach" blogger has been teaching for six years and says she's had three car cries this year. And that's an improvement. In the early days...
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: You know, I'd be crying under my desk in my off period because I didn't want anyone to see me through the window crying.
TURNER: Roxanna Elden teaches at Hialeah High School near Miami and remembers her first car cry. Her students had been unruly all day, and she says she broke a cardinal rule of teaching. She punished them with homework. Only after school did she realize it was Halloween.
ROXANNA ELDEN: And I had to pull into a Burger King parking lot because I was crying so hard, I couldn't see the road.
TURNER: Elden's been teaching now for 11 years and just created something to help new teachers through their first DEVOLSON. It's a free, month-long burst of pick-me-up emails that she calls the disillusionment power pack. One of the first says...
ELDEN: We hide behind expressions like steep learning curve that do not begin to capture what it's like to feel you are failing at the most important job in the world.
TURNER: But it's really up to schools to help new teachers, especially in these first rough months. What works?
RICHARD INGERSOLL: One of the most common supports is you have a veteran teacher serve as a mentor.
TURNER: Richard Ingersoll at the University of Pennsylvania says mentoring can make a big difference, provided it's done right.
INGERSOLL: You might have a mentor program where it entails a 20-minute cup of coffee in September and that's it.
TURNER: Ingersoll says veteran teachers have their hands full too. If they're expected to do some car-cry interventions and give steady, thoughtful feedback, it helps if they're getting paid extra or given extra time to make it work. Luisana Regidor, the new teacher in Chicago, she has a mentor and says she'll make it through this DEVOLSON.
REGIDOR: I want to say I do love my job, like, despite all of the stress.
TURNER: Regidor tears up but wants to be clear they're not tears of frustration.
REGIDOR: It's love. Like, I love it here.
TURNER: That's part of what makes teaching so hard, she says, and what keeps her coming back. Corey Turner, NPR News, Washington. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
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