How do you explain coronavirus to kids?
Last week, we published a comic geared to children about the newly discovered virus. This week we published the comic in Chinese. And we've also learned that the comic has been translated into other languages — and is finding an audience in schools and libraries as well as at home.
A graphic designer from Bolivia made a Spanish version of the comic.
Librarians have been printing and folding a bunch of zines and putting them in the children's section at their libraries.
A school psychologist in Lithuania translated the zine into Lithuanian so children in her community could read it.
And here's a translation of the comic in Russian.
A middle-school teacher turned it into a video — with a kid doing the narration.
Another middle-school teacher taught students the art of folding the zine — and added a lesson on how to properly wash hands — in a health class focused on the coronavirus.
And here are some students folding the zine!
And it's not just kids who are reading the comic — adults have reached out and said it's been a helpful resource, too. One person is displaying the zine on his desk.
How have you shared the coronavirus comic with children? We'd love to see how you've used it in a school, library or home setting. Email us at with the subject line "Coronavirus comic."
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