La Santa Cecilia is one of those bands that makes interviews feel like just hanging out and catching up. The group's new, self-titled album is their first all-English record. They are not only bilingual and bicultural, but like so many of us, they are also multi-musical. There are a ton of different grooves on this record.
La Santa Cecilia is the perfect example of how life here in this country exists with one foot here and the other over there, wherever your "there" is. The band's sound and story remind us of the tired, but accurate cliche of our society being a melting pot of cultures, languages, foods, histories and musics.
And catching up with La Santa Cecilia also gives us a chance to keep in mind the bigger picture. Watching bands like this grow and mature along the way, both in life and in their music, is a joy and reminder that as we get older, we all are fortunate if we can consider ourselves wiser, better musicians and better people. La Santa Cecilia is all that and more.
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