Sumner Redstone, the 93-year-old media mogul, is at the center of an intense corporate legal drama.
Two weeks ago, Redstone fired Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman and board member George Abrams, both longtime confidantes. He also dismissed two former girlfriends and caregivers, one of whom is also launching legal action. His granddaughter Keryn Redstone alleges that these machinations are the work of Shari Redstone, Sumner's daughter, who she says has swayed him at a time when he's incapacitated.
William Cohan, a contributing editor for Vanity Fair who has covered Redstone, joins Here & Now‘s Robin Young to talk about Redstone's legal woes, as well as how he became the mogul he is today.
- William Cohan, contributing editor for Vanity Fair. He tweets @WilliamCohan
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