Who: Margo Price
Where: Outside Nashville, Tenn.
Recommendation: Family time
I have been quarantining with my husband Jeremy and our two children: Judah, age nine, and Ramona, nine-and-a-half months. The four of us are all self-isolating at our home in the middle of nowhere, just outside of Nashville.
I wake around 5:30 a.m. most days. I nurse the baby. I put on the coffee. I put on a record. I watch the sunrise while my daughter plays on the floor. My son wakes up around 8 a.m. We're homeschooling him the best we know how. We read books and paint. We make pillow forts and do puzzles. We play chess and soccer. We take naps. We try not to watch too much TV and news. We call family and friends. We try to sit down at the piano at least once a day. We go outside, rain or shine. If it's really nice out, we may walk up to seven or eight miles. Jeremy and Judah ride their bikes while I run with the jogging stroller.
When it rains all day, we put on Paul Simon's The Rhythm of the Saints or Carole King's Tapestry and have a dance party in the living room. We shoot LaCroix cans with BB guns. We build a fire and listen to music. We drink in moderation. When all these distractions fail to take my mind off the current state of the world, I lock myself in the bathroom and cry in the shower.
Margo Price's forthcoming album, That's How Rumors Get Started, is coming soon.
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