Writers draw on memories to create some of their best work.
Morning Edition wants to hear your memories of home and where you come from — through poetry.
Draw on all five senses. Share with us the people or places or smells that define your home. Be original!
Here's an example from NPR's resident poet Kwame Alexander.
"I am from words and art and books
"I am from discipline and hard work; the sound of coins in a jar"
And you can read another, "Where I Am From," by Appalachian poet and children's book author George Ella Lyon, by clicking here.
Please fill out the form below — or submit your poem here.
Your poem may be read in an upcoming Morning Edition segment or appear online.
Copyright 2019 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.9(MDAxODcyMTgzMDEyMTgxMTY5NjYxN2I4OQ004))
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