Molly Corbett, the wife of Irish businessman Jason Corbett, and her father Thomas Martens are scheduled to be released from prison this week in connection with the 2015 death of her husband.

Jason Corbett died in his Davidson County home. Investigators said he had been beaten with a baseball bat and brick paver. Martens claimed he acted in self defense after he saw Corbett choking his daughter.

Initially, they were convicted of second-degree murder and given lengthy prison sentences. But the state Supreme Court reversed their convictions and ordered a new trial in 2017.

Last fall, Molly Corbett pleaded no contest and Martens guilty to voluntary manslaughter. Both were given credit for good behavior and time served.

Their seven-month sentence runs out Thursday.

Corbett is being held at the North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women in Raleigh. Martens is at Caldwell Correctional Center in Lenoir.

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