Pilot Mountain State Park is a beloved tourist attraction in Surry and Yadkin counties, but it may not have become a public space without the work of Joe Matthews. A new documentary shows how Matthews’ behind-the-scenes work made it happen.

Matthews was a native of East Bend but his public service impact went far beyond the boundaries of Yadkin County. Much of his work involved preserving natural and historic areas and developing trail systems.

But his greatest legacy may have been his efforts in the 1960s to turn the Pilot Mountain land into a state park, says Nathan Walls, a Surry County spokesman.

“Pilot Mountain State Park produces a huge amount of tourism dollars for Surry County every year, and we have Joe Matthews to thank for that," he says.

Walls says through it all, Matthews, who passed away in 1997, never sought credit for himself.

“He knew how to connect the dots. He was like a Swiss army knife," he says. "He knew who to talk to, how to talk to them, how to make things happen, how to get the ball rolling, how to get things done.”

The new 43-minute film, "Grit, Heart & History: The Joe Matthews Documentary" was directed, written and edited by Peter J. Kulsziski. It debuted this month and is available on YouTube and the Surry On the Go Facebook page.

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