New York City Mayor Eric Adams was indicted Thursday on at several federal criminal charges. Investigators have spent months looking into allegations of campaign finance violations and foreign influence in Adams’ election.

A new Senate report released this week revealed troubling details about the Secret Service’s handling of security at the Pennsylvania rally where former President Donald Trump was shot. The document details “foreseeable, preventable” problems that have yet to be addressed.

Democrats are discussing how to go about protecting abortion access at the federal level. Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris has again proposed eliminating the filibuster to pass legislation in the Senate. But West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin says this is a deal breaker and won’t support the move.

Despite prosecutors and the victim’s family asking he be spared, Marcellus Williams was executed by the state of Missouri for the killing of Felicia Gayle, a former newspaper reporter who was stabbed to death in her home in 1998.

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