A half dozen women — in their 30s, 40s and 50s — gather in a classroom in Phoenix for a few hours on a weekday morning.

They are all caregivers of young children.

There's Yosbri Rojas. When her own 8-year-old is at school, she takes care of two younger children, whose father works with Rojas’ husband installing fiber optic lines.

"I like that the children feel happy with me," Rojas says in Spanish.

Graciela Cruz is also here. She works early mornings in a warehouse, from 4 to 9 a.m. During the day, she parents her own 2-year-old daughter and also watches her neighbors’ 1-year-old while the child's parents are at work cleaning houses and offices.

Cruz and Rojas are participants in an Arizona state-funded initiative called Kith and Kin. The 12-week program aims to give family, friend and neighbor caregivers the kind of training and support that licensed caregivers are required to have.

Licensed or not, caregivers make work possible

While most federal and state funding for child care in the U.S. goes to licensed settings, Arizona is one of a number of states that have long recognized the importance of informal caregiving arrangements that are allowing millions of parents go to work.

Such arrangements, which can be paid or unpaid, are especially common in immigrant communities and communities of color, where many parents hold jobs with nontraditional hours and prefer caregivers who share their language and culture.

A study in the south Phoenix area found that 60% of children from birth to 5 years old were being cared for outside of licensed child care settings.

That study led the nonprofit organization Candelen to launch Kith and Kin in 1999.

“There was the high need to provide both training and support” in communities where families with young children live, says program director Angela Tapia.

Now, 25 years later, programs like Kith and Kin are getting renewed attention in the wake of the pandemic, which put a spotlight on the fragile state of the child care industry.

There's increased urgency from federal and state policymakers and businesses to ensure communities have access to affordable, high-quality child care, paving the way for parents — especially women — to work, an essential element of a robust and well-functioning economy.

A crash course in caregiving fundamentals

The aunts and grandmothers and neighbors who attend the Kith and Kin classes often don't think of themselves as caregivers, says Tapia, much less as contributing to the economy.

“It's more something they do out of love and to help their family and friends,” she says.

But caregiving requires more than love, and that's where the program come in.

Over 12 weeks, the caregivers, who are predominantly women (though they do see the occasional grandfather or uncle) undergo training in basic health and safety, including CPR, as well as more advanced topics such as child development, positive discipline and injury prevention.

The women share personal challenges, ask for advice and offer comfort and support.

Funding comes from Arizona's tobacco tax

The sessions are paid for in part by Arizona's tobacco tax. Candelen estimates it trains about 1,000 caregivers a year.

Melinda Gulick, CEO of Arizona’s early childhood agency First Things First, says the funding is recognition that all children, regardless of where they spend their first years, deserve a high quality early childhood experience.

“Being ready on the first day of Kindergarten is the biggest indicator of academic success and success in life as well,” she says.

Gulick points out, in some rural parts of Arizona, there is no licensed child care, and even where there are options, Arizonans are known for wanting choice.

“This is a liberty and freedom state,” she says. “For many parents, the best place for [children] to be is with their auntie or their grandmother or in a co-op in their neighborhood.”

Keeping caregiving in the family

That’s certainly how Cynthia Diarte felt when she had her son Esteban. He’s now two and a big fan of Bluey, the beloved children's television character.

Diarte, a teacher, grew up on the Texas-Mexico border, cared for by her grandmother while her mother went to work at an airport restaurant.

Diarte says it was never a question who would watch her children when she became a mother herself. Her mother, Elvia Elena Nunez, insisted she be the one, carrying on their family tradition.

“As his grandmother, my love is different from any other caregiver,” Nunez says in Spanish.

As a Kith and Kin participant, Nunez has appreciated learning new ways to keep Esteban entertained without screens. She also cherishes the community she's built with the other caregivers and the enrichment Esteban has gotten through the program.

While class is in session, Esteban is with other toddlers, singing songs and playing games in the child care room down the hall.

“He's bringing more vocabulary. He's starting to speak up a little bit more,” says Diarte. “He really needed that social aspect, the relationship with other kids.”

And she expects those relationships to endure. A side benefit of the Kith and Kin classes is how close the caregivers become.

“They end up becoming like the madrinas, like the godmothers, the godparents, to each other's children,” says program director Tapia. “They stay connected throughout the years.”

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Caregivers are often spoken of as the workforce behind the workforce. They include millions of moms, grandmas, aunts, friends and neighbors who watch other people's kids while parents go to work. In Arizona, a nonprofit has long worked to get these informal caregivers everything they need to do that job well. NPR's Andrea Hsu reports from Phoenix.


ANDREA HSU, BYLINE: A half-dozen women, from their 30s to their 50s, gather for a few hours on a weekday morning. They are all caregivers at least part of the time. Take Yosbri Rojas, who has a son in elementary school. During the mornings...

YOSBRI ROJAS: (Speaking Spanish).

HSU: She offered to take care of two preschoolers while their dad, who works with Rojas' husband, is off installing fiber-optic lines. Graciela Cruz is also here. She works early mornings in a warehouse from 4 to 9 a.m. So during the day, she also watches two children, one of them her own.

GRACIELA CRUZ: I have a 2-year-old daughter, and I take care of a 1-year-old.

HSU: The child of her neighbors, who clean houses and offices for a living. Cruz and Rojas are part of a 12-week program called Kith and Kin. It's one of many initiatives Arizona is turning to to address a child care shortage in the state, but it was actually created 25 years ago to introduce standards to informal caregiving. Program director Angela Tapia says the program grew out of a study that looked at where children, birth to 5, were being cared for in the South Phoenix area.

ANGELA TAPIA: Sixty percent of children are actually in family, friend and neighbor care. And so there was a high need to provide both training and support in the communities that these families live.

HSU: Communities like this predominantly Spanish-speaking one, where parents often hold jobs with nontraditional hours and prefer caregivers who share their culture and language. The caregivers are playing a crucial role in the economy, enabling so many parents to go to work. Still, Tapia says, they often don't see themselves that way.

TAPIA: It's more something they do out of love and to help their family and friends.

HSU: Of course, caregiving is about much more than love. Over the 12 weeks, the women learn about everything from basic health and safety to more advanced topics, including one of Graciela Cruz's favorites - child development.

CRUZ: Brain development - I never, like, thought it was so much for a baby. I'm glad I took this class.

HSU: Now most government funding for childcare goes to licensed providers, but Arizona has long supported these unlicensed caregivers, too. Kith and Kin is paid for in part by the state's tobacco tax. Melinda Gulick is with the state agency, First Things First, that administers those funds.

MELINDA GULICK: It's that recognition of the family, friend and neighbor - the home care centers that we really want to support so that all the children are getting a quality early learning experience, No. 1. And No. 2, parents can go to work.

HSU: Which has become a huge priority since the pandemic. Gulick says, in some rural parts of the state, there is no licensed child care. And even where there are options, Arizonans are known for wanting choice.

GULICK: This is the Wild West, right? This is a liberty and freedom state. And so for many parents, the best place for them to be is with their auntie or their grandmother or in a co-op in their neighborhood.

HSU: That's certainly how Elvia Nunez feels about her grandson, Esteban.

ELVIA NUNEZ: (Speaking Spanish).

HSU: She says when her daughter, who's a teacher, gave birth, she insisted that she be the one to watch the baby.

NUNEZ: (Speaking Spanish).

HSU: "As his grandmother," she says, "my love is different from any other caregiver."

Nunez says she's gotten a lot out of the Kith and Kin class, including learning all kinds of ways to keep the 2-year-old entertained without screens.

NUNEZ: (Speaking Spanish).

HSU: She says technology isn't good for him at this age. Meanwhile, while she's in class, Esteban gets to be with other kids in the child care room down the hall.

UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: (Singing) Hello, hello.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: (Speaking Spanish).

UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: (Singing) Can you stomp your feet?

HSU: It's helped him hit milestones around language and socialization.

ESTEBAN: (Vocalizing).


ESTEBAN: (Vocalizing).


HSU: At the end of the 12 weeks, the women mark milestones of their own with a graduation ceremony.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: Bravo. (Speaking Spanish). Bravo.

HSU: And then they go back to work, nurturing the next generation and doing their part for the economy.

Andrea Hsu, NPR News, Phoenix.

(SOUNDBITE OF STORMZY SONG, "HIDE AND SEEK") Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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