Patricia Barber is a pianist and singer who's solidly grounded in the jazz idiom while eclectic in her style. She's recorded a series of albums that have each established a wider audience for her music, and in 2002, she released the successful Verse.

That same year, Barber was Marian McPartland's guest on Piano Jazz. In this session, she performs her original song "If I Were Blue," after which McPartland joins her for "Autumn Leaves."

Originally broadcast in the winter of 2002.

Set List

  • "All The Things You Are" (Kern)
  • "If I Were Blue" (Barber)
  • "Autumn Leaves" (Mercer, Kosma, Prevert)
  • "Let It Rain" (Barber)
  • "Twilight World" (McPartland, Mercer)
  • "You And The Night And The Music" (Dietz, Schwartz)
  • "Blue Bossa" (Dorham)
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