Ray Meezy and D~collins are small town rappers with ambitions and skills to take them much farther than their hometown of Greenwood, S.C. These two cousins released their first project together this month, Same Difference — a title and mixtape Ray Meezy says is meant to showcase their ability to transcend the boundaries of any one specific style of rap. A song from the tape that embodies this is "Ain't Never" — an electronic, rhythmic trap hit. This song blends both artists' similar yet distinct styles into one cohesive sound, tapping into another meaning of the mixtape's title. "Ain't Never" is a techno-pop instrumental filled with bars far from the carefree cookie-cutter lyrics that accompany similar beats. "Ain't never ran from no n****, always stood ten toes / Ain't never pillow talk on no n****, ain't never f****** told," raps D~collins. "Ain't Never" depicts the realities of the value system that Ray Meezy and D~collins live by, as the cousins rattle off the personal ethics that define their actions.
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