Maryland Gov. Wes Moore is pardoning 175,000 people who have low-level convictions related to marijuana, the governor announced Monday. To date, it is one of the most expansive absolutions by a state for this type of crime.

“The barriers to everything from employment to education to the ability to buy a home and to be able to start gaining wealth for your family, all of these things are being blocked,” Moore told NPR. “By doing what is the largest state misdemeanor cannabis pardon in the history of this country, essentially what it’s doing is, we want to make second chances actually mean something.”

Twenty four states have legalized the use of recreational marijuana for adults, including Maryland. But legalization doesn’t undo the past, and a lot of people have criminal records from when marijuana was not legal in their state. These convictions have disproportionately affected people of color: Black people are three times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession despite similar consumption rates.

So with the movement to legalize marijuana, there has also been momentum to forgive those convicted of these low-level crimes. In addition to Maryland, at least eight other state governors and President Biden have pardoned tens of thousands of people for similar crimes.

Yet some criminal justice reform advocates say pardons like these might not be enough to remove the barriers people with criminal records face in things like finding a job or housing.

What does a pardon do — and what doesn’t it do?

Pardons, which are essentially a forgiveness stamp on a past crime, have meaningful benefits for the people receiving them, though just how much largely depends on the jurisdiction and the type of crime. Psychologically, they can provide peace of mind and ease stigma. For immigrants, pardons can lessen the likelihood of being deported.

But in many states, a pardon doesn’t erase a conviction from a person’s record. In Maryland, a pardon will mean that a landlord or employer doing a background check will see that a person was convicted of a crime and what the crime was, but that it’s been forgiven.

There isn’t a lot of research on the effects of having a pardon listed on a person’s record, says Colleen Chien, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. But research does show having just an arrest on paper — not even a conviction — can make employers less likely to call a candidate for a job interview.

“A record, whether or not it's been pardoned, whether or not it's been convicted, is often enough,” Chien says. “And so if the governor wants to sort of ensure that this is policy, that there is as much force behind it as possible, he would probably work with the legislature to also try to turn it from a pardon to some sort of shielding, a sealing, or an expungement.”

Though definitions vary, shielding or sealing records usually means hiding them from public view. Expungement generally means the records are removed from places like court and law enforcement databases, so it looks as if the conviction never happened.

Why not just expunge the records?

In short, it’s tricky.

One reason pardons are appealing is that they can be simpler to execute, logistically and politically. They can be done through an executive order, which bypasses a state legislature. In this case, that’s what Moore has opted to do.

Maryland already offers expungement for certain marijuana convictions. Around two dozen other states and Washington, D.C., do as well. But in Maryland, most of these expungements are petition-based: An eligible person has to apply for their records to be cleared. Advocates say that can be a lengthy and confusing process. In Maryland for instance, there are seven videos on the state website explaining the steps.

The Clean Slate Initiative, which advocates for automated record clearing legislation it refers to as “clean slate” laws, estimates that around 300,000 people in Maryland have conviction records, marijuana related or otherwise, eligible for expungement that have not been cleared.

“Pardons and other efforts to reduce the consequences of having a record are important,” Sheena Meade, CEO of the Clean Slate Initiative, told NPR in an email. “However, automatic record clearance for people who meet the requirements is the best way to ensure that a past mistake does not prevent people from having meaningful access to employment, housing, education, and other opportunities.”

At least 12 states have opted to automate their expungement or sealing process, but many have hit snags with technology.

Utah passed a law to automate record clearance in 2019. But in 2023, a year after the law’s implementation, the state had a backlog of 100,000 records that needed to be manually handled, due to mismatched information in older records. Lawmakers there are now considering a three-year pause to catch up.

Pennsylvania passed its law in 2018, the first state to do so. But data from sealed state records still appears on FBI background checks, says Sharon Dietrich, litigation director at Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, who worked closely on the legislation. She says she and other advocates have been told the problem will be resolved in the coming months.

“The Clean Slate model does have limitations. It’s not perfect in 100 percent of cases because if that’s the standard, you can’t meet it,” Dietrich says.

She says the advantages of automation far outweigh these challenges: The burden of clearing the record falls on the state rather than the person affected, and once the process is running, it can be done in bulk, because a computer is doing the work rather than a person.

And, even with the hiccups, she says more than 1 million people have seen some or all of their records cleared in the state.

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This week, Maryland Governor Wes Moore pardoned 175,000 people with low-level marijuana convictions. Yesterday, on our program, the governor told Michel Martin these records were obstacles to education, housing and employment.


WES MOORE: And so by doing what is the largest state misdemeanor cannabis pardon in the history of this country, essentially, what it's doing is we want to make second chances actually mean something.

MARTÍNEZ: But some advocates say pardons aren't enough to remove those barriers. NPR's Meg Anderson is here to explain more. Meg, so for the people that think that what Governor Moore did was a big win, why is it considered such a big, important step?

MEG ANDERSON, BYLINE: Yeah. So a pardon is essentially a big forgiveness stamp on a past crime, and Maryland's batch of pardons is one of the most expansive to date, but at least eight other states, and President Biden, have also pardoned people for similar crimes. But in half the country, marijuana is now legal, yet tens of thousands of people have criminal records from when it was not legal in their state, and those convictions disproportionately affect people of color, so many advocates think it's important to forgive people convicted of something that isn't a crime anymore. Still, some of them say that Maryland could have gone further.

MARTÍNEZ: In what way?

ANDERSON: Well, first, it's important to note, pardons do have benefits. Psychologically, they provide peace of mind, for immigrants, they can lessen the likelihood of being deported, but in many states, including Maryland, a pardon does not erase a conviction from your record. So that means if I'm a landlord or an employer doing a background check, what I'll see on my end is that the person was convicted of a crime and what that crime was, but that it's been forgiven. I spoke to Colleen Chien about this. She's a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and she says that there's research that shows just having an arrest on your record - not even a conviction - can make employers less likely to call you for an interview.

COLLEEN CHIEN: And so if the governor wants to sort of ensure that this policy - that there's as much force behind it as possible, he would probably work with the legislature to also try to turn it from a pardon to some sort of shielding - a sealing or an expungement.

ANDERSON: So shielding and sealing records usually means hiding them from public view. Expungement usually means they're removed from places like court and law enforcement databases, so it looks as if the conviction never happened.

MARTÍNEZ: All right, so expungement - why not just do that?

ANDERSON: Well, in short, it's tricky. In Maryland, like several states - Maryland already offers expungement for certain marijuana convictions, but most of those are petition-based, so an eligible person has to apply for those records to be cleared, and that can be a lengthy and confusing process. In Maryland, for instance, there's a seven-part video series on the state website explaining the steps. And some states have chosen to automate their record-clearing process, but that's not perfect, either, and many of them have hit snags with technology.

MARTÍNEZ: Oh, no one likes snags. What kind of snags?

ANDERSON: Yeah. So for example, if a record is missing information, it might not get cleared, or if records exist in multiple places, it can be difficult to catch everything. But despite these headaches, proponents say that the benefits of doing automated expungements really do outweigh these challenges. They say that, you know, at least with automation, you can do them in bulk, and this burden of clearing a record then falls on the state and not on the person convicted.

MARTÍNEZ: That's NPR's Meg Anderson. Meg, thanks.

ANDERSON: You're welcome.

(SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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