A familiar face will soon be returning to the Watauga County Board of Elections. The State Board of Elections has appointed a former Watauga board member involved in a lawsuit against them.

Democrat Stella Anderson will take a seat on the 3-member Watauga board on July 21st.

Anderson is one of seven plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed in 2013 against the state elections board for its actions in closing a heavily Democratic voting site on the Appalachian State University campus.

That lawsuit was won by the plaintiffs, and is currently before the N.C. Court of Appeals.

The Winston-Salem Journal reports that the state board voted 3-1 in favor of Anderson's appointment.

Anderson is a former chairwoman of the Watauga board who has called for the ouster of the two current Republican board members.

Former state board member Paul Foley abstained from the vote.

Foley is a Republican who is under fire for working closely with the GOP in its efforts to close the Appalachian State voting site.

Foley resigned from the State Board on Wednesday following a conflict-of-interest controversy.


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