The state Board of Education will issue North Carolina School Report Cards for every public school and public charter school Thursday.
The report cards will show data on student achievement, class size, safety, and other topics.
It's the first time that the state will give a letter grade to the schools. For elementary and middle schools, 80 percent of the grade relies on end-of-year test scores, and 20 percent will measure student's academic growth from the year before.
High school grades include other factors like ACT scores and graduation rates. Tammy Howard with the State Department of Public Instruction says grades are just one indicator on how a school is performing.
“It's always important when we are looking at data to remember what are the measures being used to generate that information, in this case a school performance grade. There's much more that goes on in schools and one of things that we are continuing to stress is that our schools are doing very well with respect to growth,” says Howard.
Howard says 75 percent of public schools in North Carolina met or exceeded their growth goals. The NC Report Card and Performance grades will be released during the state board of education meeting Thursday morning.
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