Sunday Puzzle
Sunday Puzzle

On-air challenge: I'm going to give you two five-letter words. Put the same pair of letters in front of each of them to complete two common seven-letter words.

Ex. Dress    Verse    -->   ADDRESS, ADVERSE

  1. Voice    Stall
  2. Eight    Agile
  3. Scene    Serve
  4. Grate    Stake
  5. Spice    Stile
  6. Under    Rearm
  7. Brace    Irate
  8. Amber    Alice
  9. Tempt    Heist

Last week's challenge: Last week's challenge comes from listener Mike Selinker, of Renton, Wash. Think of something to drink whose name is a compound word. Delete the first letter of the first part and you'll get some athletes. Delete the first letter of the second part and you'll get where these athletes compete. What words are these?

Challenge answer: Screwdriver --> crew, river

Winner: Shailesh Dubey of Battle Creek, Michigan

This week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener David Dickerson, of Tucson, Arizona. The city UTICA, NEW YORK, when spelled out, contains 12 letters, all of them different. Think of a well-known U.S. city, that when its name is spelled out, contains 13 letters, all of them different. Your answer doesn't have to match mine.

Submit Your Answer

If you know the answer to the challenge, submit it here by Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET. Listeners whose answers are selected win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: include a phone number where we can reach you.

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