Sunday Puzzle
Sunday Puzzle

On-air challenge: I'm going to give you two six-letter words. Put the same pair of letters in front of each one to get two common eight-letter words.

Ex. Airway, Ranger  -->  Stairway and Stranger

  1. Parent, Petite
  2. Option, Equate
  3. Crease, Fringe
  4. Rocket, Inning
  5. Median, Gently
  6. Vision, Stance
  7. Editor, Edible
  8. Lament, Reside
  9. Berate, Feline

Last week's challenge: Last week's challenge comes from listener Mark Scott, of Seattle. Take the name of a famous actor of the past. Say it out loud, and phonetically you'll describe what a famous general's horse did. Who is the actor and who is the general?

Challenge answer: Cary Grant & Ulysses S. Grant

Winner: Clark Neider of Phoenix, Arizona

This week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener Adam Aaronson, of Deerfield, Ill. Think of a classic movie title in which the initials of all the words up to the last one, in order, spell the number of letters in that last word. The number of words in the title is for you to discover. What film is it?

Submit Your Answer

If you know the answer to the challenge, submit it here by Thursday, August 1st at 3 p.m. ET. Listeners whose answers are selected win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: include a phone number where we can reach you.

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