The U.S. Supreme Court handed a major victory for the Biden administration Wednesday, throwing out a lower court ruling that had placed major restrictions on the ability of government officials to communicate with social media companies about their content moderation policies.

While the court’s ruling was procedural, it was nonetheless a stark repudiation of two lower courts in the South, and their eagerness to embrace conspiracy theories about alleged government coercion of social media companies.

Writing for a liberal-conservative coalition of six justices, Justice Amy Coney Barrett said that neither the five individuals nor the two states who sued the government had legal standing to be in court at all. She said they presented no proof to back up their claims that the government had pressured social media companies like Twitter and Facebook into restricting their speech. “Unfortunately,” she said, the Fifth Circuit court of appeals “relied on factual findings that are “clearly erroneous.”

For instance, she said, the plaintiffs who brought the case maintained that the White House had bombarded Twitter with requests to set up a streamlined process for censorship requests. But in fact, she said, the record showed no such requests. Rather, on one occasion a White House official asked Twitter to remove a fake account pretending to be the account of Biden’s granddaughter. Twitter took down the fake account and told the official about a portal that could be used in the future to flag similar issues.

“Justice Barrett went out of her way to stress that facts matter and that lower courts in this case embraced a fact-free version of what transpired between officials in the Biden administration and Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies,” said law professor Paul Barrett, no relation to the justice, who is deputy director of the Stern Center for Business and Human Rights at NYU.

In her opinion for the court majority, Justice Barrett said that at every turn, the alleged facts turned to dust, and that the plaintiffs had failed to trace past or potential future harm to anything done by officials at the White House, the CDC, the FBI, or a key cyber security agency. Indeed, the court said, many of the actions taken by the social media platforms to modify content about COVID vaccines or other matters, were taken before any contacts with government officials took place.

The court’s decision will make it considerably more difficult for people to bring challenges like this in the future because the justices said that it’s not enough to rail against the government for criticizing an individual’s message online. Rather, there has to be a causal link between the government’s commentary and what happens on a social media platform. In short, there has to be a traceable link, a link that the court said was entirely missing in this case, as the social media companies had their own incentives for moderating content, and often exercised their own judgment.

Justice Samuel Alito dissented, along with Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch.

“For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress Americans’ free speech,” wrote Altio. “Because the court unjustifiably refuses to address this serious threat to the First Amendment, I respectfully dissent.”

Jameel Jaffer, director of the Knight Center First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, agreed with the court majority that in this particular case, the plaintiffs had alleged a very generalized theory of coercion, but he added that the court needs to set out specific factors for evaluating when government officials go too far.

“It’s important for Democrats and liberals who are perhaps sympathetic to the Biden administration’s efforts” to prevent COVID misinformation or Russian election interference, to consider whether they would be comfortable with these same rules if the Trump administration “were to pressure social media companies to take down speech related to MeToo or Black Lives Matter or pro-Palestinian speech.”

“We need a set of rules that make sense in all of these contexts,” Jaffer said, adding, “And so far, the court hasn’t given us a lot to work with.”

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The Supreme Court says the United States government can, after all, talk to social media companies and ask them to take down offensive content. The Court heard a case by people who alleged the government pressured companies to censor themselves, which would be a violation of free speech, while the government says all they did was have a conversation. In a 6-3 vote, the court ruled the plaintiffs had no standing to sue, so the case goes away, and effectively, the government wins. NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg is in our studios. Nina, good morning.

NINA TOTENBERG, BYLINE: Good morning, Steve.

INSKEEP: Always good to see you. How did this ruling go?

TOTENBERG: Well, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a Trump appointee, wrote the decision, and she said that the lower court, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had found erroneous facts. In a rather ladylike way, she dismembered the Fifth Circuit's reasoning from A to Z. She said that the Fifth Circuit also erred by treating the government and the platforms each as a unified whole and that the plaintiffs had to demonstrate standing for each claim they press against each official who allegedly did anything bad to them. And this requires a certain threshold to show, namely, that a particular defendant - the defendant here is the official - pressured the particular platform to censor a particular topic before that platform suppressed a particular plaintiff's speech. It's a lot of particular...


TOTENBERG: ...This and particular that, but the bottom line here is that she said much of the evidence is wrong.

INSKEEP: And so we have a justice from the Liberal wing, but with some Conservatives going along...

TOTENBERG: No, Conservative wing.

INSKEEP: Oh, excuse me. Amy Coney Barrett - forgive me - from the Conservative wing, leading the way and taking apart a very Conservative court's ruling on this issue that's been of great concern to Conservatives in the past. They have argued that they were censored by social media companies and argued here that the government led the way in doing that. The court says we're going to kick this aside, and we're not going to rule on the substance, and we're going to leave things stand as they are. What did the dissenters have to say about all of this?

TOTENBERG: The three dissenters were Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas. And they said - Alito wrote, the court permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear and think. But, you know, this was a pretty clear statement of how hard it's going to be to bring a lawsuit against the government. I mean, one of the things that Amy Coney Barrett cited was the attempt - and she agreed, it was an aggressive attempt - to get one of the company - Twitter to take down a fake...

INSKEEP: Fake information. Yeah. Go on.

TOTENBERG: A fake entry that looked like it was Biden's daughter.


TOTENBERG: And that was false. It wasn't Biden's daughter. And they took it down subsequently. And I remember reading the record, and the guy was very mad. He said, this is not Biden's daughter. Just get rid of it. And they did. But you know what? It was a fake entry. That's the whole purpose of content moderation.

INSKEEP: Exactly. And so this gets down to the question - we have two conservative justices, one saying that the case was not proved, the other talking about government coercion, and for now, things stay as they are. Nina, thanks so much.

TOTENBERG: Thank you. And I just looked at the opinion. It was Biden's granddaughter.

INSKEEP: There we go. Thank you. NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg.

TOTENBERG: Thank you. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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