NOTE: Each day this week we'll be rolling out a series of videos from Sylvan Esso that comprise the duo's upcoming visual EP, Echo Mountain Sessions. Today's installment is a performance of the song "The Glow." You can see other videos in the series here.

Back in April, right about the time Sylvan Esso was releasing its second album What Now, Amelia Meath and Nick Sanborn got a bunch of their North Carolina friends together in an Asheville studio to record some of the tracks from What Now as a big, live band. Members of Wye Oak, The Mountain Goats, Hiss Golden Messenger, Mountain Man and Megafaun met for a day at Echo Mountain studios, reimagined the songs of Sylvan Esso and captured the whole thing for a visual EP they're calling Echo Mountain Sessions. It's due out July 28.

In today's installment you can see the group playfully perform a big, blasting version of the Sylvan Esso song, "The Glow," with a band of sax, guitars, drums and more.

You can also hear a conversation with Nick Sanborn and Amelia Meath about the Echo Mountain Sessions here.

Come back each day this week for more in the series.

Matt Douglas: saxophone; Ryan Gustafson: guitar; Amelia Meath: vocals; Nick Sanborn: bass; Molly Sarle: vocals; Alexandra Sauser-Monnig: vocals; Jenn Wasner: keys; Joe Westerlund: drums

Recorded at Echo Mountain Studios in Asheville, NC
Produced by Sylvan Esso
Mixed and Engineered by Jon Ashley
Mastered by Evan Bradford

Production Company: Remedy; Director: Josh Sliffe; DP: Rob Russell; Gaffer: Brian DeContreras; Camera Operators: Rob Russell, Josh Sliffe, Brian DeContreras

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